Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Already in my heart...

Hey All!!!!  I hope you had a wonderful memorial day holiday surrounded by family and friends.   As I was looking through pinterest the other day, I came across this saying and completely fell in love with it.  I reflected on the words and how much they mean to me.  As we continue on our adoption journey the more and more these words ring true, and bring me excitement and hope.  We cant wait for the day we are matched with a little one, then to have him/or her finally in our arms will be one of the most amazing and extremely incredible experiences of our lives.  We love that little babe and his or her birth parents so much already.

Friday, May 23, 2014


With the Easter season having just past and being able to spend time with family, It made me reflect on tradition.  My family has a lot of traditions that I can wait to pass on to our children someday.

1st....Easter Eggs  

2nd...Pumpkin Carving    


Whether it be at the game

Or at home

or having fun during a rain delay

Who doesn't love a good FOOTBALL GAME

Cant wait to be doing these fun things with our kiddos one day!

WE ARE TRYING ADOPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Hey Everyone: It's Casey and Jelaire, we are just a couple of BYU football loving, going swimming with the nieces and nephews , cookie baking, superhero loving couple looking to adopt our first child :)


Thanks for stopping by to check out our story and to get a glimpse into the Strassy life. 

              Many of you know we are trying to adopt, that being said....some of you aren't familiar with our story so here you to.  First of all, We are beyond thrilled to be on this exciting journey called adoption.  Our path to adoption has not been an easy one with many ups and downs along the way.      
        Our journey began back in early 2010 when we decided to have a family.  After months and months of trying with no success we decided fertility treatments would be the way to go.  We sought out the help for a GREAT fertility Dr. and underwent 3 rounds of Invitro fertilization.   To our excitement and shock the 3rd round WORKED we were pregnant!!!!  WE WERE ECSTATIC.  Then at around 12 weeks we hit a roadblock when we miscarried.  We were taken back as we had made it just barley to the "safe zone".  We took a short break to regroup and we knew we had too much love to share to give up.  We began to really ponder and pray as to the direction we were heading in starting our family.  We both decided it was NOT THE WAY.  ADOPTION was the answer. 
        Since making that decision everything has fallen into place.   We have felt the love and support of all those that surround us friends family and acquaintances alike.   We couldn't feel more blessed to travel this road and start this amazing journey of adoption and can't wait to welcome a child or 2 or 3 (Right babe!!) and their special birth parents into our loving home and to become a forever family with them as together we raise the special children we hope to be blessed with.

        My dear friends word of mouth is KEY so please share this blog with all you know as we can get our story out there so that a precious birth mom and father will come across it and hopefully find peace in their own journey through us.  That together we can give their child an AMAZING life.

        To those sweet birth parents we would like to share our thoughts and story in this letter specifically to you:

Hello There,

           We hope you are well rested because you are about to embark on this crazy journey of what we like to call, the Strassy life. So SIT BACK, RELAX, and ENJOY the ride.  Here we go!!!!  Our incredible journey started back in December of 2008 when mutual friends said, "hey they are perfect for each other" and set us up. (We are proof blind date s really do work) So on 12/31/2008 boy meets Girl.  Boy likes girl and of course girl likes boy.  We decide to date and viola on 6/26/2009 we were married.
         During our marriage we have developed many common interests, for example: Drag racing (Strasburg's own a race car!) golfing, traveling, and working out to name a few.  If we weren't in town you could probably find us down in southern UT at the in laws house soaking up the sun. We LOVE to be outside.  We work out 4-5x a week and enjoy spending time with family.  ITS A MUST.  Together we have 19 nieces and nephews.  AREN'T WE LUCKY!!!! Throughout our 5 years of marriage we have learned so much (how to communicate, help each other, and most of all, how to love each other unconditionally). 
         Shortly after we were married we decided we wanted to expand our family, after months and months of trying we, along with our Dr's. decided Invitro would be the best course of action.  We attempted 3 rounds of Invitro fertilization which didn't work and wasn't the path we were meant to take. We both knew adoption was the answer.  As we have been preparing for adoption we have gained the utmost respect for birth parents and hold them in the highest regard, We can't wait to welcome them into our energetic and fun loving family. 
         As we reflect about our lifestyle, and parenting, we are so excited to share this love and fun filled journey with a child, and to have them be involved in all the fun things that we do on a daily basis.  We have such a huge extended family that there is always something happening, parties to attend, and fun adventures to go on.  Once a child enters our family we have decided that Jelaire will be a stay at home mom as soon as possible so as to nurture and love this precious child in the way he/she deserves.
        We are excited to continue on this journey and forge that unbreakable bond and relationship with that special child and angel birth parents, to form those ties that bind, and cannot, and will not end.


Casey and Jelaire Strasburg